Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Vagazle: A fun little bitcoin contest

Update 04/09/13: Looks like the Veridical slash is winning!!

Since theres been a lot of debate about which unicode bitcoin symbol should be used I thought it would be fun to have a little contest!  Nothing to complicated just a simple popularity contest, which ever Bitcoin symbol gets the most tips wins. I'm using so I can see how many transactions each wallet will receive. The contest will last 2 weeks and there is no limit to how many times you can vote.

At the end of the contest period I will post a new Strip Album using the winning bitcoin symbol, and maybe some gifs too. This contest will also be posted to r/girlsgonebitcoin and r/deCrypto. Below are the links to the albums and the separate wallets that go with them. To vote send your tip to the wallet that corresponds with your choice of symbol.

Here is the link to the symbol with the veridical slash.  
Wallet address for symbol one...... 14SP8AbMtanTY72AwqqbKPRjbcFKjuryuo

And the link to the symbol with the horizontal slash. 
Wallet address for symbol two..... 134qPsaWBGBTdoKm2VPBhRboys5MjXTFaE

Since there is no goal for this particular project I'm not including my normal ticker in this post but here are some sparkley tits for you.

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